ASMAC 2021

Safari Hotel

Safari Hotel

KM5, Hodan, Mogadishu, Somalia
Ismail Ibrahim Jawiye

The research and development department of the Somali International University (SIU) is pleased to host the SIU Annual Multidisciplinary Academic Conference 2021. The conference will be held in Safari Hotel on 22-23 June 2021. The first SIU annual conference was organized in 2019.

The purpose of the annual conference is to provide a platform for SIU faculty members, other researchers, and academicians to present their ideas, exchange and share research findings and experiences with a larger academic audience.

It is satisfying to note that the number of research papers to be presented this year increased exponentially compared to the first SIU annual conference, and we hope this positive trend will continue in the coming years.

More than one hundred delegates are invited to listen to the lively presentations from researchers from different universities and research institutions.

Dr Ismail Ibrahim Jawiye