SomNOG7 Conference

7 ( Jazeera Palace Hotel)


Jazeera Palace Hotel

Mogadishu, Somalia
Mohamed Mohamud (SIMAD University)

SomNOG7 Program Overview

SomNOG7 represents the latest installment in the annual conference series organized by the Somali Network Operators' Group (SomNOG). This event serves as a pivotal platform for stakeholders within the ICT sector, including professionals, policymakers, Internet service providers, academics, and others, to converge, exchange insights, and chart a course for the digital future of Somalia.

Here's a preview of what SomNOG7 has in store:

SomNOG7 Conference Highlights

   Expected attendance from diverse stakeholders across the ICT spectrum
   Engaging sessions covering a wide array of topics crucial to Somalia's digital landscape
   Networking opportunities to foster collaborations and partnerships

3 Days of Technical Workshops: December 22nd - 24th, 2024

The capacity-building aspect of SomNOG7 will be highlighted through a series of technical workshops. Spanning three days, from December 22nd - 24th, these sessions aim to enhance the skill sets of ICT professionals and aspiring graduates. Through hands-on training, participants will gain practical knowledge relevant to industry demands, thereby bolstering employability and service delivery within the sector.

1 Day of Conference: December 26th, 2024

SomNOG7 focuses on addressing contemporary challenges and exploring growth avenues within the ICT sector, the conference promises insightful discussions and thought-provoking presentations. Expert speakers will delve into pertinent themes and sub-themes, offering valuable perspectives on Somalia's digital transformation journey.

Venue: Jazeera place hotel

This year's main theme is "Digital Public Infrastructure: Laying the Foundations for Somalia’s Digital Future'.

The sub-themes are yet to be decided and will be announced soon.

Stay tuned for further updates on SomNOG7 as we unveil the full program agenda and theme in the coming weeks.

    • 08:00 08:59
      Guests Arrival and Registration 59m
      Speaker: All
    • 09:00 09:10
      Welcoming Remarks 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Dr Mohamed Mohamud Mohamed (SomNOG7 Chair)
    • 09:10 09:20
      SomNOG7 Presentation 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Eng Mohamed Adil
    • 09:20 09:30
      Gold Sponsor Remarks 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mohamed Hashi Ahmed
    • 09:30 09:35
      SomNOG-7 guest speaker Remarks 5m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Mohamed ABDULKADIR Adow
    • 09:35 09:40
      Workshop Host of the year 5m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Dr. Mohamed Omar (Dean faculty of computing Simad Universit)
    • 09:40 09:45
      Silver Sponsor I Remarks 5m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Abdirahman Jama Mohamed (Head of Engineering Dalkom Somalia)
    • 09:45 09:50
      Silver Sponsor II Remarks 5m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Ahmed Isse (Deputy General Manager Somte)
    • 09:50 09:55
      Technical Partner 5m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Mohamed Ali Ahmed (CTO SomaliREN)
    • 09:55 10:05
      Opening Remarks 1 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia

      Opening Ceremony Remarks

      Speaker: Mr Abdiweli Ali Abdulle (Timacadde) (NIRA)
    • 10:05 10:15
      Opening Remarks 2 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Mr. Mustaf Sheikh Ali (Dhuxulow) (Director-General Immigration and Neutralization)
    • 10:15 10:25
      Official Opening Address 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: H.E. Ahmed Osman Dirie (Minister of Communication and Technology, FGS)
    • 10:25 10:35
      Building Bridges: The Convergence of Somali Digital Public Infrastructures 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia

      Technical Sessions
      Keynote Speaker I:

      Speaker: Mr Abdullahi Bihi Hussien, (General-Manager SPS)
    • 10:35 10:45
      Digital Health 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia

      Keynote Speaker II:

      Speaker: Dr Ahmed Adam Mohamed (Deerow) (CEO, eHealth Somalia Senior Advisor, FMOH.)
    • 10:45 11:00
      Health Break and Photo Session 15m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: All
    • 11:00 11:10
      Role of regional and international partnerships in advancing digital infrastructure 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia

      Theme I: Critical Infrastructure

      Speaker: Mr Liban Abdullahi Hussien (Somalia Country Representative Adam Smith International)
    • 11:10 11:20
      Current state and gaps in Somalia's digital infrastructure (fiber optic, 5G, etc.) 10m
      Speaker: Mr Abdirahman Mohamed, (Head of Engineering Dalkom Somali)
    • 11:20 11:30
      Bridging the Connectivity Gap: Expanding Digital Access Across Somalia 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Osman Dirie (SIMAD iLab)
    • 11:30 11:40
      Interoperability challenges between private sector networks and public infrastructure 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Zakariye Esmael (Digital Development Specialist MoCT)
    • 11:40 12:30
      Plenary Session I: Critical Infrastructure: 50m
      Speakers: Mr Abdiaziz Duwane Isak (Director General, MoCT), Mr Abdirahman Abshir Dhiblawe (Hormuud ISP Manager), Mr Liban Abdullahi Hussein (Somalia Country Representative, Adam Smith International), Mr Moderator: . Zakriye Ismael, (Digital Specialist, MoCT), Mr Mohamed Amin Abdisamad (Head of Software Development, NIRA)
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch and Prayers 1h
      Speaker: All
    • 13:30 13:50
      Data privacy in Digital service development 20m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia

      Theme 2: Digital Services for All
      Key-Note Speaker:

      Speaker: Mr Mohamed Nur Ali (Olow). (General Manager- Data protection Authority)
    • 13:50 14:00
      Advancing Transparency and Accountability Through Digital Platforms: Addressing Corruption in Post-Conflict Somalia 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Abdihakim Omar Abdullahi (Researcher and lecturer at jamhuriya universit)
    • 14:00 14:10
      Securing e-Government Ecosystems in the Era of Digital Transformation 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Dr Yahye Abukar Ahmed (Director of R&D, SIMAD University)
    • 14:10 14:20
      The Role of E-Government Services in Somalia’s Digital Transformation 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Anisa Salad (Researcher)
    • 14:20 14:30
      Harnessing DPI to Empower Citizens and Bridge the Gap Between Government Services and Citizen Engagement 10m 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speaker: Mr Mustaf A Musse (Researcher)
    • 14:30 15:30
      Plenary Session II: Breaking Barriers: Achieving Inclusive Digital Services for All 1h 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      Speakers: Mr Abdifitah Mohamed Ali (ISP Manager, Somtel), Ms Ayan Khalif (Program Manager, Digital Shelter), Mr Moderator: Mohamed Ali Ahmed (CTO, SomaliREN), Mr Mohamed Shafi Yusuf (Director of Egovernment Ministry of Communications and Technology), Prof. Mohamud Ahmed Jimale (Director, School of Graduate Studies, JUST)
    • 15:30 16:30
      Wrap-up and Closing Remarks 1h 7


      Jazeera Palace Hotel

      Mogadishu, Somalia
      1. SomNOG7 Workshop Graduation
      2. Community Awards
      3. Official Closing Remarks
      4. SomNOG7 Communique
      Speaker: Mr Official Closing Remarks Mustaf Yasin (Director General, NCA)