25–26 Oct 2023
Jazeera Palace Hotel
Africa/Mogadishu timezone

Call for Papers

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

SomNOG invites qualified professionals, academics, and researchers to contribute to this premier event.

This year's conference theme is "Digital Somalia: Charting Somalia's Path to Digital Transformation.".

Interested authors are invited to submit abstracts (250-400 words) on the theme or related subjects:

Sub-theme 1: E-Government for Inclusive Governance

Sub-theme 2: Securing Somalia's Digital Landscape

Sub-theme 3: Catalyzing Digital Infrastructure for Development

Sub-theme 4: Community of Practice: Collaborating for Impact

The schedule (deadlines) is as follows:

  1. Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 16 October 2023

  2. Notification of acceptance to authors: 20 October 2023

  3. Submission of presentations: 20-22 October 2023

  4. Conference Days: 25-26 October 2023

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@somnog.so

We look forward to your active participation.

The SomNOG5 Program Committee

The call for abstracts is closed.