25–26 Oct 2023
Jazeera Palace Hotel
Africa/Mogadishu timezone


Not scheduled
Jazeera Palace Hotel

Jazeera Palace Hotel

Mogadishu, Somalia


Abdifatah Mohamed Ali (0615468230, abdifatahali@amtelkom.com)


Below I am submitting a topic that I believe it will be very important and useful for the ICT audience attending the conference to be aware of this major change that will take place in 5 years of time.

It’s not related the Theme of this year but I would appreciate if you take it to consideration.

if we postpone for next time no problem.


The Internet and Web have fundamentally changed the ways in which people communicate, learn, interact, share information, conduct business, debate issues, etc.
However, despite these impressive scientific and technological advances, the primary modes of computer-based communication and collaboration remain largely unchanged.

Users still interface with computer systems via the conventional keyboard, mouse, and monitor/windowing system and communicate with one another using 20+ year old mechanisms such as electronic mail and newsgroups. Even new and exciting capabilities, such as (multi-party) video-conferencing and real-time navigation of 3D models have had a limited effect because they are constrained to the conventional keyboard/monitor interface and are often subject to inadequate network support/bandwidth resulting in disappointing interactions (blurry pictures, annoying pauses and skips, sluggish response, postage-stamp size video, etc.

Metaverse, a term first coined in science fiction, is a combination of the prefix "meta", meaning beyond, and "universe".
It refers to shared virtual worlds where land, buildings, avatars and even names can be bought and sold, often using cryptocurrency. In these environments, people can wander around with friends, visit buildings, buy goods and services, and attend events.
The concept has surged in popularity during the pandemic as lockdown measures and work-from-home policies pushed more people online for both business and pleasure.

The term covers a wide variety of virtual realities, from workplace tools to games and community platforms.
Many of the new platforms are powered by blockchain technology, using cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), allowing a new kind of decentralized digital asset to be built, owned and monetized.


Primary author

Abdifatah Mohamed Ali (0615468230, abdifatahali@amtelkom.com)

Presentation materials