25–26 Oct 2023
Jazeera Palace Hotel
Africa/Mogadishu timezone


Welcoming and Sponsors remarks

25 Oct 2023, 08:00
Jazeera Palace Hotel

Jazeera Palace Hotel

Mogadishu, Somalia

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Zakariye Ismael,SomNOG6 Chair
25/10/2023, 09:00
25/10/2023, 09:10
Eng. Mohamed Adil,SomNOG Member
25/10/2023, 09:20
Eng. Khalif Muse Warsame, Vice President Academics of Benadir University,
25/10/2023, 09:30
Mohamed Ibrahim Abdulle, Hormuud Telecom
25/10/2023, 09:45
Eng. Jama Mohamed,CEO Dalkom
25/10/2023, 09:55
25/10/2023, 10:05
Mr. Najib Abdullahi Manager Beydan Coffee, TBD
25/10/2023, 10:15
Eng. Mohamed Ali Ahmed CTO SomaliREN
25/10/2023, 10:20
Building timetable...