We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of you individually and collectively on your great accomplishment. We are very honored by your achievement as well as your time at Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology (JUST).

We wish you the best as you begin a new phase in your life. Your academic contributions, dedication to your studies, tirelessness of social responsibility activities, alumni programs, and desire to continuously learn & innovate have been unique to JUST family and the country.

We are grateful for the legacy that you’re leaving behind. As you begin your careers or continue your studies, we know that you’ll be well prepared to lead in your perspective fields and continue to pioneer solutions to the grand challenges facing today’s society. Don’t accept less than lion’s share, go and tell the world you are JUST graduates.

Although you’re graduating, you will always be a member of JUST family. We encourage you to stay connected with our university alumni, join us during the alumni activities and give back by supporting our social programs and activities. Your advice and contributions are always welcome. The continued involvement of our alumni strengthens our university and JUST community.

We are so fortunate to have forward-thinking, dedicated graduates. we are confident that as you embark on your next adventure, the path you shine will continue to make our university and country proud. We sincerely hope that you’ve enjoyed your time at JUST, and we cannot wait to see all that you accomplish after graduation. Congratulations again.

Sahal Terminal
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