President's Message

I thank Allah SWT for letting us gather here and celebrate this captivating moment together and share with you the pleasure of this valuable milestone in your professional life.

On behalf of the entire Jamhuriya University of Science & Technology (JUST) community, we are proud to honor your achievements today.

As we honor your accomplishments as graduates of JUST University, we are celebrating your endless possibilities. Great universities foster discovery in every discipline. At JUST, our noblest goal is to provide our graduates with the boldness and wisdom to ask challenging questions and the perseverance and skill to discover the answers. As you look ahead, I hope you will apply that temperament of inquiry in all aspects of your life.

Your graduation is a recognition of your commitment and the hard work you have shown during this journey, but it is also an accomplishment for others – family members who supported you, friends who helped you when you needed them, and faculty members who
inspired and encouraged you.

Indeed, education is truly a shared responsibility. Therefore, we express our utmost appreciation to our dear parents and faculty for being our partners in nurturing the youth throughout the years.

For the short time, the university has been open, we managed to provide quality education & produced competent undergraduates. Committed to sustaining this momentum, the university developed and implemented postgraduate programs, where we offered various learning modalities, and we are now celebrating our first batch of master's degree graduates as well. Most importantly, take a moment to congratulate yourselves. It wasn’t always easy to balance education, family, work and so many other obligations, but you did so and are now reaping the reward of a degree from JUST. This is only the beginning – the sky is the limit for you! I urge you to flex your muscles and go out there and Inspire Greatness in all that you do.

Finally, remember, finishing your program does not mean you leave JUST, on the contrary, you are considered valued members of JUST family and Alumni. Nurture the relationships and professional networks you have developed during your study and contribute to the vibrant JUST community.

Good luck in your future endeavors.

Mohamed Ahmed Mohamud